The Underdeck en el centro de Miami busca un nuevo nombre

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El parque público de 33 acres conocido como The Underdeck que se planea construir debajo del Signature Bridge del centro de Miami está buscando un nuevo nombre. No está claro por qué se está considerando un nuevo nombre, pero el Comité Underdeck, que ayuda a supervisar el proyecto, lanzó una encuesta para ayudar a orientar […]

Por Patricia Chung Publicado el 08/06/2022

The Underdeck en el centro de Miami busca un nuevo nombre

El parque público de 33 acres conocido como The Underdeck que se planea construir debajo del Signature Bridge del centro de Miami está buscando un nuevo nombre.


No está claro por qué se está considerando un nuevo nombre, pero el Comité Underdeck, que ayuda a supervisar el proyecto, lanzó una encuesta para ayudar a orientar el cambio de marca, según el Herald y el sitio web del proyecto.


Los votantes de la encuesta no pueden votar por ningún posible nombre nuevo para Underdeck. En cambio, se les hacen preguntas abstractas, como el tono, el género, el sentimiento y los rasgos de personalidad que les gustaría ver en la marca del espacio.

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Una presentación de marzo enumeró nombres potenciales, incluidos Towners Place, Unity Place y The Soul Way.

La presentación también mostró que el diseñador del proyecto, Hargreaves Jones, estaba planeando un puente peatonal exclusivo en el centro de The Underdeck.

Otras comodidades incluirán múltiples áreas verdes y de juegos, una fuente de agua, un sendero para peatones, una cancha de usos múltiples y un parque para perros.

Para participar en la encuesta sobre The Underdeck, haga clic aquí.

Encuesta para escoger el nuevo nombre a The Underdeck

Se está construyendo un nuevo Signature Bridge para reemplazar la autopista I-395 existente que va desde Overtown hasta Biscayne Boulevard. Se elevará significativamente más alto que el camino existente, elevándose hasta 60′ y brindando espacio para la creación de un “parque lineal” que corre una milla por debajo y a lo largo de él. El título provisional para esto ha sido “The Underdeck”, pero pronto se elegirá un nuevo nombre final, se diseñará un logotipo y se marcará el espacio para dar la bienvenida a nuestras comunidades y visitantes en los años venideros. Al responder esta encuesta, nos brinda comentarios adicionales críticos para ayudar a guiar el proceso creativo.


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Concept Design

Traffic, Mobility & Utilities

This group will be convening with all relevant agencies and stakeholders to identify key related challenges and to ensure short-term and long-term cross-sector plans are agreed upon and implemented.

Funding Strategies

This group was initially charged with fundraising the match dollars required by the Knight Foundation grant (noted in the approved MOU and City resolution).  All fund-raising goals have been fully met as of December 2021 and are currently funding all planning activities.  The group is now developing a framework for the fund development strategy related to capital, operational and maintenance needs.

Stakeholder Awareness, Education & Engagement

This group is responsible for casting the net broadly to create awareness of the project and engage residents in the Underdeck’s development.  A full engagement strategy has been launched and will continue through the summer of 2022.  A monthly newsletter and website will be launched beginning in March, monthly community meetings will be held through the Summer of 2022, and stakeholders will have regular monthly opportunities to inform and engage with the Underdeck Committee Working Groups.

Construction, Operation, Maintenance

This group is working closely with the City of Miami and FDOT to ensure that the Heritage Trail, Legacy Walls and other public art components will include stakeholder leadership, participation and input in the exhibits, artists, and content.  This group is also working with the City to identify the appropriate expertise to develop a realistic estimate for the operation and management budget for the long-term sustainability of the public space.  This estimated budget will inform the work  of the fund development working group in the coming months.

Government, Project Management & Strategic Oversight

Naming/Branding – Over the last two months community meetings, focus groups, surveys, and interviews have been conducted to gather input from our community. Two engagement and marketing firms, Kivvit and Circle of One have been brought on board to support this process.  A Creative Brief will be developed inclusive of potential names for the Underdeck or Open Space Area.  These potential names will be shared with the community and further input will refine the final recommendations that will be considered by the Underdeck Executive Committee.  The final selected name is subject to the approval of the City Commission.   

This group has researched best practices on governance of public spaces and has been reviewing various governance structures nationally and locally.  They are currently working on recommendations that would inform the governance of the public space.  These recommendations will inform future bylaws.

Voice Your Support for The Underdeck!

Greetings and Many Thanks,

It is not often that a municipal project with the scale and scope of the Underdeck, is developed with the intentional and valued participation from members of the community. The City of Miami is to be celebrated and commended for empowering the people of Miami through its sanctioning of the Underdeck Committee to provide community-driven recommendations about how the Underdeck should be designed, named, branded, programmed, operated, governed, and maintained.

In 2022, 124 members of the community served on five Underdeck working groups focused on Stakeholder Awareness and Engagement, Operations and Maintenance, Traffic and Mobility, Funding, and Governance. A total of 129 working group meetings were held during the year. More than 35 community in person and virtual meetings were held in Overtown and Downtown to engage residents, along with survey respondents providing feedback for the Underdeck Naming totaling more than 2000. In addition, two special interest groups were created for Economic Development and Youth Engagement, further expanding the Underdeck Committee’s outreach.

The anticipation of this 33-acre public multi-purpose green space is enhanced by knowing that the recommendations for development through this community engagement have been submitted for your review and will soon be voted upon. With a vote of “Yes” to these recommendations, the Underdeck will truly be a project of the people, by the people, for the people.

As a public space positioned to reconnect communities and serve as a destination for families and friends to engage with one another, it is greatly appreciated that the City of Miami has and will continue to value the voices, insights, and recommendations that will ultimately make the Underdeck we can authentically call our own.

Alan Fein

Chair Government, Project Management, Strategic Oversight Working Group

Alan Fein is a Shareholder in Stearns Weaver Miller’s Litigation Department and a member of the Firm’s Board of Directors. For over three decades, Alan has successfully handled complex business litigation in South Florida and in the leading business courts in the nation, including the Delaware Court of Chancery, the Delaware Supreme Court, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Eleventh Circuit and the District of Columbia. At the same time, he has developed one of the region’s most vibrant sports law practices, and brought vision and leadership to a number of community leadership roles.